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Code Your Way to Success: Join Our Python and Javascript Academy

Lisa Scorzon
April 3, 2023

Are you struggling to break into the software engineering industry due to a lack of relevant experience or education? Do you find it difficult to learn new programming languages and keep up with the ever-evolving technology landscape? Do you lack the necessary technical skills and people-centric skills to succeed in the software engineering industry? Are you facing barriers to entry in the software engineering industry due to a lack of diversity and inclusion?

Do you want to gain hands-on skills in Python and Javascript and become job-ready in just 9 weeks? If so, our Academy might be the perfect fit for you.

Over the past 6 years, I met thousands of incredibly motivated and passionate people that wanted to switch careers. From every corner of the world, with previous experience and education ranging from Professional Dancers, Marketeers, Receptionists, Nurses, Bus Drivers to Teachers, Biologists, Philosophers and Waiters. You name it, and I have probably seen it. I've been incredibly lucky that I have been able to witness their transition into working as Developers, UX designers and Cyber Specialists. The one fixed constant seems to be the top two questions they ask me before making the switch;

  1. Do I need to have previous experience or education in software engineering to succeed in the Academy?
  2. Can I really become job-ready in just 9 weeks?

In the blog below, I try to answer these 2 questions. However, should you have any other questions while reading, they don't hesitate to reach out to me via email at Hello@techmongers.nl. I am happy to help you learn more about our Academy and how we can help you launch your career in Software Development.

Do I need to have previous experience or education in software engineering to succeed in the Academy?

The Current Need for Developers with Different Backgrounds

Studies have shown that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones, and companies that embrace diversity are more likely to succeed. In the software engineering industry, companies are looking for developers who can bring diverse perspectives, creative problem-solving skills, and innovative ideas. A diverse group of developers can help companies create products and solutions that can meet the needs of a wider range of customers and stakeholders.

In today's ever-changing technology landscape, companies are recognising the importance of hiring developers with diverse backgrounds. The software engineering industry is becoming more global, and the need for developers from different backgrounds is growing. Diverse teams bring unique perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making. Additionally, as the software engineering industry continues to grow, there is an increasing demand for developers with skills that can be transferred from other industries.

Here at Techmongers, we take diversity and inclusion seriously. We believe that a diverse group of learners from different backgrounds, ages, and countries brings unique perspectives, experiences, and skills that can help create a more innovative and creative learning environment. Our courses welcome everyone.

We understand that individuals from different backgrounds may have different learning styles, experiences, and skill sets. As such, we have designed our curriculum and teaching approach to be inclusive and accessible to everyone. Our instructors use a variety of teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles, and we provide personalised coaching and mentoring to ensure that all our learners succeed.

Moreover, we encourage collaboration and teamwork among our learners to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Working in diverse teams helps our learners develop empathy, communication, and leadership skills that are essential in the IT industry.

That's why we believe that learners from different backgrounds and experiences can excel in software development. Your past education and experience can be valuable assets that you can leverage to become a successful software developer.

Can I really become job-ready in just 9 weeks?

We provide learners with all the hands-on skills they need to become job-ready in the software engineering industry. While it may seem like a short amount of time, our curriculum is designed to be intensive and efficient, focusing on the most in-demand skills that employers are looking for in entry-level developers. We also provide learners with people-centric skills, which are becoming increasingly important for companies looking to hire junior developers. By the end of our program, learners will have gained the practical experience and knowledge needed to add value to a company. While it does require hard work and dedication, we have seen hundreds of our graduates before you go on to successful careers in software development, proving that it is possible to become job-ready in just 9 weeks.

Python as a Popular Coding Language

Python is an excellent choice for learners who want to start a career in software development. Python is a versatile language that can be used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Python is also an easy-to-learn language with a straightforward syntax that makes it easy to read and write.

Moreover, Python has a vast community of developers who contribute to the development of libraries, frameworks, and tools. This means that learners can access a wealth of resources and collaborate with other developers to build innovative projects.

Well-rounded candidates

In addition to teaching technical skills like Python and Javascript, we also emphasise the importance of people-centric skills in our Academy. While hard tech skills are essential for any software developer, we understand that it's equally crucial to have strong communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to succeed in the workplace.

In the past, companies tended to focus solely on hard tech skills when hiring junior developers. However, times are changing, and employers are now looking for well-rounded candidates who can collaborate effectively with others and communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.

We recognise the importance of these people-centric skills and provide our learners with ample opportunities to develop them. We incorporate team-based projects and group assignments into our curriculum, encouraging learners to work collaboratively and communicate effectively. We also offer coaching and mentorship to help our learners develop their interpersonal and problem-solving skills, preparing them to work effectively in a team-based environment.

We believe that by offering a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on both technical and people-centric skills, our learners are better equipped to succeed in the fast-paced and ever-changing software engineering industry. Our graduates leave our Academy job-ready with the technical and soft skills needed to thrive in their roles and make meaningful contributions to their teams and companies.
How Techmongers Can Help You

At our Academy, we provide learners with a hands-on, project-based approach to learning. Our curriculum is designed to give you practical experience in Python and Javascript and prepare you for real-world challenges.

Our experienced instructors will guide you through the curriculum, and our personalised coaching and mentoring will help you address any challenges you might face. We also have a supportive community of learners and alumni who are eager to share their knowledge and experience with you.

In addition, we provide Job Readiness workshops to help you find the right job after completing our Academy. Our team has connections with top companies in the industry, and we'll work with you to find the right job based on your skills and interests.

Starting a career in software development can be challenging, but our Academy can help you achieve your goals. Our intensive 9-week program will give you the hands-on skills you need to become a successful software developer. Python and Javascript are in high demand in the job market, and mastering these languages can open up many career opportunities for you.

So, if you're ready to start your career in software development, sign up for our Academy today. We're excited to help you achieve your goals and become a successful software developer.

Grow your team.
Techmongers allows you to offer your own tech academy with boot camps or internships and continued learning. You hire on culture and we give your new hires the skills they need to work best in your company.
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