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Everyone has a space in Tech

Vandana Sudhir
April 25, 2023

Technology has drastically transformed our lives, providing us with countless benefits and opportunities. However, despite its incredible potential, many people still view the tech industry as a scary and intimidating space! Simply thinking ‘I'm not good enough” or “Who’s going to hire me? I definitely don’t have the qualifications'' is causing a HUGE GAP in the current employment market! The demand for skilled professionals is higher than EVER before. From artificial intelligence to cybersecurity, there are endless opportunities for career growth in the tech industry! 

So, that is why in this blog I mainly want to address the common misconceptions to help alleviate people’s fear in the first place and reassure that EVERYONE HAS A SPACE IN TECH - no matter your age, background and past experiences!  

 Here are the most common misconceptions that keep people away from the tech space. 

  • You need to have a computer science background:  Many people believe that you need to have a computer science degree or be an expert in coding to work in tech. While having a background in computer science can be helpful, it's not always necessary. There are many roles in tech that require different skill sets, including project management, marketing, and sales.
  • You need to be young: Another common misconception is that tech is a young person's game. While there are many young professionals in tech, there are also many successful tech workers who started their careers later in life. Age should not be a barrier to switching careers into tech.
  • It's only for tech geeks: Some people believe that tech is only for those who are passionate about technology and spend their free time coding. However, many successful tech workers come from diverse backgrounds and have different interests and passions outside of tech.
  • It's all about Silicon Valley: While Silicon Valley is the epicentre of the tech industry, there are tech jobs and companies all over the world. You don't need to move to California to work in tech.
  • It's too competitive: The tech industry is known for its competitiveness, but that shouldn't discourage you from pursuing a career in tech. There are many companies and roles within the tech industry, and many ways to stand out and make a name for yourself.

Switching careers into tech is easier than it sounds and requires a combination of upskilling, networking, and gaining practical experience. If you do not know where to start, join us at Techmongers so we can help you transition into the world of tech. By listening to your story and hearing out your career aspirations we can build you a customised pathway tailored to your needs and requirements to find you your perfect place in the world of tech.

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